outdoor clothing for conscious adventurers
With Fristads Outdoor, we bring nearly 100 years of experience and knowledge from the world of workwear into a new realm: outdoor clothing. And just like our workwear, our outdoor clothes and hiking clothes have been made to stand the test of time, with quality and sustainability as the guiding stars. Developed together with our users, Fristads Outdoor is a carefully curated collection of women’s and men’s outdoor clothing made of recycled and organic materials.

Explore Fristads Outdoor
Discover our collection of men’s and women’s outdoor clothing and meet some of the nature lovers who have put the garments to the test. Be inspired by their stories and find your own favourites among our versatile men’s and women’s clothing for hiking, camping, paddling, mountainbiking and much more. Here you can also read more about our sustainability work, which is the driver behind all that we do. Welcome to Fristads Outdoor – a collection that blurs the line between work and leisure.